Hefsek tahara colors

Hefsek tahara colors. Te haces otro hefsek tahará y un moj dajuk antes de la puesta del sol, en caso de que la primera bediká no haya sido buena. If it is any other color, it is subject to further inquiry, often involving consultation with a rabbi. My period started Shabbat afternoon. 1. We understand that sending a bedikah to a rabbi can be uncomfortable. There are five stages in the process of a woman becoming purified from her Niddah (impure) status during which she is prohibited to her husband. ) Question: Thank you for your wonderful site. Si aparece cualquier otro color en la bediká, esta debe ser llevada a un rabino (como aprenderemos en Haciendo preguntas ). Thank you. NEW PERIOD B (inclusive) is Haflagah number. For the future, as long as it is not yet sundown , you may make additional attempts at a hefsek taharah until you have an acceptable hefsek . Both the hefsek tahara and the moch dachuk must be inserted before shkiah. To this end, the support of a morah L’halakha or yoetzet halakha to navigate the process of tahara may be especially critical during perimenopause. Moch Dachuk. Families are facing rockets, relocation, and extended separation because of the massive mobilization of the reserves, but everyone is affected in different ways. Both times I had a problem on a bedika after only a few days. The moch dachuk came out clear but had 2 little brownish circles/balls that were able to be picked up and removed (once removed the moch was clear). - Debe comprobarse que la mujer ha dejado de sangrar (Hefsek Tahara). Halachot Flow Onset until Hefsek tahara Hefsek Tahara Seven Preparatory Days (Shiva Nekiim) Preparing for Mikvah Night Preparing for Special Mikvah Nights Anticipating a New Flow – Separation Days Dinei Harchakot during Niddah/Separation Days Travel Medical Examinations Childbirth Q: I am a newlywed and this was the first period in my marriage. Usually my periods are over after 5 days. For example, a light brown (e. Necesitas confirmar que has parado de sangrar, realizando una examinación interna (bediká), llamada hefsek tahará. I did Hefsek Tahara with a wet cloth. Therefore, a tampon should not be used for bedikot, including the hefsek taharah (although it can be used for the moch dachuk). Based on your description, it sounds as though you have a good chance of getting a hefsek taharah. Sources: See Mareh Cohen Chap. Meaning, she should make a hefsek tahara, count seven days and make bedikos, and then go to the mikvah again. H. Jan 6, 2021 · Since the color of coffee differs in type and there is a doubt regarding the color of chestnuts, whether the intention is raw or cooked chestnuts, one should ask a halachic question with any hefsek tahara or bedikot following an internal hargashah [sensation of menses]. Do an internal check/ bedika: Insert a white cloth into vagina and circle it around to make sure to get every nook and cranny. I just remembered now and I’m up to day 4 . ”. Post-menstrual brown staining. 00 $ 6. A hefsek taharah should ideally be performed in the afternoon, shortly before sunset. Is it still acceptable? Question: I did a hefsekmoch with a cloth that was wetter than normal because I was in a rush and didn’t spend much time squeezing out excess water. The moch dachuk (commonly […] The Pitchei Teshuva 188:2 cites the Maharshal and Shlah who were strict about yellow. Is it still acceptable? Nov 28, 2023 · Mrs. Can I use this Hefsek? I am trying to become pregnant, and not using this Hefsek will mean I would have to go to the mikvah on Friday night. I did the Hefsek at 8:25. The Hefsek Tahara inspection should preferably be performed within 2. El periodo menstrual puede durar más o After at least five days (four for Sephardic women) after a woman starts bleeding, a hefsek tahara may be done. There is no need to turn her finger on the way in and out, as long as all parts as Dec 4, 2020 · Yeshuot Dovid ch. Create, browse and save palettes on the go. Question: I am a newlywed and this was the first period in my marriage. 6 explains that fundamentally the Rosh agrees with Ran. May 29, 2015 · Answer: A hefsek tahara done after Shekiyat Hachama [sunset] is invalid. the . This is cloth is called a moch dachuk. Rabbi Braun - Bishul on Shabbos, Part 4 ***** Class 12 Summary. Leviticus 15:19 states: “A woman who has a flow of blood in her body shall be a “ niddah ” for seven days, and all who touch her shall be ritually impure until sundown. The problem with using a tampon as a bedikah cloth is that it does not get into the folds and crevices of the vaginal canal. Si te preocupa llegar a olvidar que debes hacerte el hefsek en la tarde, puedes hacerte uno en la mañana por la dudas y luego repetirlo en la tarde cuando sea apropiado. iOS App. ” A. 4, note 39, who mentions the possibility of leniency up to thirteen and a half minutes after shkiya. May 25, 2024 · The laws of niddah appear in the Torah twice. There isn’t a differant bedika to do before that. Rishi Raichik teaches the halachos of hefsek tahara and counting the 7 days as part of the zoom Winter 5782 Halacha Review. Veset Apr 15, 2021 · Taking a bath is a recommended practice, however when it isn’t possible, a long shower is also sufficient. Try to do a bedikah in the morning as a “backup” on the day you are planning a hefsek taharah. Sale. Period A. Sep 4, 2022 · How well do you know your colors? When it comes to bedikot, which colors are never okay? Which are always okay? And which ones require asking an Feb 25, 2019 · Question: If a woman did her hefsek taharah 5 minutes after shkia, will it count for her? Can one rely on R’ Moshe (OC 2,62) in a bedieved state? Would it only be in a shaas hadchak (and if so, what would be called so)? Also, can one rely on Zmanim posted on Jewish calendars […] If you are still unsure about the stained hefsek taharah and are unable to clarify its status, you should assume it was invalid and consider the next day's bedikah to be your new hefsek. The cloth is then removed and examined for any red stains. com for times in each location). 1:19. Because I don’t want to be overly strict, I decided to do a hefsek on Day 5 this month. Ta Sep 4, 2017 · Answer: Every woman must make a “hefsek tahara” in order to become permitted to her husband. Therefore, even if the first hefsek was pinkish, it just confirms what we already knew – that originally you were How to say hefsek taharah in English? Pronunciation of hefsek taharah with 1 audio pronunciation and more for hefsek taharah. But, provided you did as thorough a bedikah as possible, after the fact this can count as your hefsek taharah. Thousands of palettes in your pocket. If the woman was unable to perform the inspection before sundown, then she may still do so until 13. 50. Rabbi Mordechai Willig (Niddah Shiur 118) is lenient even on a hefsek tahara. 1 min read. Moch dachuk: Insert a bedika cloth within two halachic hours of sunset and leave it in until after dark. It is recommended to do the hefsek tahara an hour before shkia. At the end of my period (it was the 6th day), I performed a hefsek tahara last night and I did a Hefsek Tahara after sunset, but before Tzait Hakochavim. 1:6, Teshuvot Radbaz 7:2, Arukh HaShulhanH. After hefsek tahara she requires seven clean days known as shiva nekiyim with the requisite checks before she can go to mikveh. Start the generator! Explore trending palettes. Your guidance would be appreciated. 718. The exact time can be found on a calendar. Counting the 7 days. Hefsek Tahara. Is it permissible to clean the vaginal area with a wet cloth before doing the hefsek tahara or the other Bedikot? If so, would one have to wait a certain amount of time between the cleaning with the wet cloth and the Bedikah? Additionally, is it permissible to do the Hefsek Taharah multiple times until it comes out clean? The wartime situation in Israel poses many challenges and raises unique halachic questions in the realm of taharat hamishpacha. Turning her finger or moving it around in a way that ll the areas have be wiped it the idea. El hefsek debe hacerse al final de la tarde, dentro de las 2,5 horas antes de la puesta del sol. Even after she has stopped bleeding though, old blood may remain in the vagina. I have twice started the 7 clean days. If someone has a specific situation he has to discuss it Answer: A hefsek taharah needs to be performed prior to sunset, because then the first clean day can be considered complete, from its halachic beginning at sunset. It is important to be aware that yellow or light brown colors on a hefsek or bedikha are acceptable. During the seven clean days, you do internal examinations to establish that you haven’t had any bleeding that day. The Chochmat Adam 117:9 and Rav Moshe Feinstein (Igrot Moshe 4:17:6) were only strict about yellow on a hefsek tahara. This leniency is also mentioned Apr 8, 2024 · This is done by applying slight pressure to the cloth to ensure that it has wiped all the cervices. Do a “Back-up” Hefsek Taharah in the Morning. Based on your description, it sounds as though this was the case with your hefsek today, and you can begin your clean days. If possible, it is even better to do the hefsek a half an hour to an hour before shikia, provided that the person will indeed have enough time to do as many The halachos of Niddah and Hefsek Tahara. If your examination was […] Rav Efraim Halperin - Taharat Hamishpaja 01 - Hefsek Tahara, Bedikot y Shiva Nekiim0:00 grandeza del estudio sobre las halajot 1:19 Hefsek Tahara - Los Shiv However, it may possible for a woman to confirm the presence of a wound on her own. At the end of my period (it was the 6th day), I performed a hefsek tahara last night and the color was a light brown. You may distribute it provided The Hefsek Tahara inspection should preferably be performed within 2. The hefsek however has to be made before sundown on the fifth day. No necesitas hacerte otro moj. Puedes hacerte una segunda bediká antes de la puesta del sol. 0603 For the future, it’s a good idea to perform a “backup hefsek” at any point during your “hefsek tahara day. However, one should consult a Rabbi in any case when the Hefsek was The cloth should be inserted as far as one can comfortably go. If a hefsek tahara was performed in the early afternoon, let's say 1 pm, is it valid? If it had a slight brown color, and was brought to a Rav, who said it was okay, but was not told that it wasn't performed at the proper time, might it have been given a different psak if he was informed of its timing? Feb 25, 2019 · Although the idea may also apply to E. (And then (And then missed ovulation); husband went on a trip, it added to marital stress; last month they were not “really clean,” and they are calling to “confess. The question is can you do hefsek taharah without having completed the fifth day? Or does it have to be after 5 full days? Answer: The end of the fifth day is sufficient, and there is no need to wait a full five days. I hear from women all the time that they felt guilty because they were not “really” clean, so they waited extra days to do a hefsek tahara. After at least five days (four for Sephardic women) after a woman starts bleeding, a hefsek tahara may be done. ↑ The Shevet Halevi (5:106:6) writes that gray is tahor. Nevertheless, the Hefsek Tahara is valid even if it May 23, 2022 · A hefsek taharah or bedikah does not need to be completely clear. If the cloth shows only discharges that are white, yellow, or clear the Hefsek Taharah of . Sara Morozow gives a review of the halachos of Niddah and Hefsek Taharah. I am unsure what to do about it. If your examination on Friday night gave every indication of being a clean hefsek taharah, then we can rely on it and you may immerse on Friday as planned. Figma Plugin. She should bathe--and if she is not able to, at least wash her vaginal area. In order to begin counting the seven clean days following her period, a woman must establish that she has indeed stopped bleeding, by conducting a thorough internal check ( bedika ). This is the view of Hacham Ovadia Yosef. Preferably this is at minimum until the second knuckle. Apr 26, 2022 · I did a hefsak tahara but forgot to do a bedika before. This is obviously assuming she stops bleeding in time to make a hefsek by the end of the 4th day. org and is copyrighted by the author, publisher or mikvah. Android App. Fifteen minutes is borderline, and any less than this is okay. The woman takes a bath or shower near sunset, wraps a clean white cloth ("bedikah cloth") around her finger, and swipes the inner vaginal circumference. End your count . To perform this, the woman takes a bath or shower near sunset, cleaning herself everywhere, and after a few minutes wraps a special cloth around her fingers, and swipes the vaginal circumference to the greatest depth she can manage And if he's being lenient, it would be praiseworthy to do the hefsek tahara again. If you missed shkiah by any amount of time, do the hefsek tahara the following day. Mar 20, 2019 · Question: If a woman’s did a hefsek taharah (Saturday night) but forgot to make a bedika on day one of shiva nikiyim (Sunday) does she need to do a Hefsek Tahara the following day (Monday) or can she just do a bedika on Monday and consider that day 1 of shiva nikiyim? Aug 7, 2011 · Answer: Some are lenient concerning doing a bedika after shkiya, but only when this is done a short time after shkiya. Pero, cómo el status halájico de nidá no tiene nada que ver con la limpieza física, sería más exacto traducirlo como “siete días libres de Therefore, your hefsek taharah from Monday remains valid, but the earliest you may begin counting the clean days is on Wednesday. The cloth remains inside until after nightfall. Ce cours fait partie de la série La Pureté Familiale en pratique : cliquez-ici pour découvrir la série complète. (A question that I see you've asked elsewhere on this site in a couple of different forms. " Apr 13, 2016 · If the situation makes it impossible for her to go without her family finding out, and this will continue for the 2 nights of the seder, she may start the count after 4 days. If a woman finds this difficult, one may be lenient about this depth, as long as they can do a bedikah at this depth for the hefsek tahara and one bedikah throughout the shivah neki’im (preferably the first bedikah ). 72) (See Birur Halacha 2 O:CH 293, pg. , the color of coffee with milk) with no hint of a reddish tint is not a niddah color and is fully acceptable. If you did a proper hefsek tahara, that is the bedika you were meant to do. Feelings of tension, fear, and mourning may mix with Ordinarily, a hefsek taharah should not be performed with toilet paper, primarily because it is difficult with toilet paper both to reach all crevices of the vaginal canal and to keep the paper from disintegrating at all. If a stain is found of a questionable color on this second (moch d’chok) cloth it must be shown to a rav as with any other questionable bedika cloth. I typically wait until Day 6 of my period before performing a hefsek tahara because I know that I always have remnants following Day 5. Bonjour, Il n'est pas possible de commencer le compte des sept jours de pureté sans avoir fait au préalable [avant l'heure de la Chkia] le Hefsek Tahara. Another hefsek should be done the following day and only after that may the 7 days begin [from the day after the hefsek]. 5 Halachic hours before sundown. is your . If discharge is bright red, it indicates that menstruation is still in effect. Rabbi Bell - Kosher fish, Part 1. Oct 19, 2014 · La réponse de Rav Gabriel DAYAN. . If there is any fear A woman is not obligated to perform a hefsek taharah on her fifth day. However, there is a halachic preference for a woman to become tehorah as […] Nov 30, 2023 · In order to begin the "clean days," she must perform the "Hefsek Tahara" inspection, which should be done within a half-hour of sundown, and no later than 13. You can rely on this hefsek to begin your clean days the following day The bedika for the hefsek tahara must be finished before sunset. Un hefsek realizado en la mañana generalmente es válido. Some authorities do hold that any color on a hefsek taharah is unacceptable. What is the ruling on this color? Am I still a niddah or am I able to begin the 7 clean days? Dec 10, 2020 · According to many opinions, this is the case even if one see stains on the hefsek tahara, as long as the stains are not red. Comment doit-elle procéder pour la faire correctement ? Recevez gratuitement un Rav chez vous ou dans votre communauté, cliquez-ici. If the period ended early you should be careful to note that at least 5 days have passed from the beginning of the period until the 7 clean days, that color palettes generator! Create the perfect palette or get inspired by thousands of beautiful color schemes. org. After a clean hefsek tahara, before sunset, the woman inserts a second bedikah cloth into the vaginal canal. Ta The hefsek taharah is a thorough internal examination to establish that bleeding has ceased. Can I still go to the Mikva on time? Answer: Thank you for your question. 96). For the hefsek tahara exam only she can make several exams in a row until she manages to get a clean one because the hefsik tahara exam is not part of her actual seven day count. May 15, 2019 · 15 May, 2019. Feb 6, 2022 · Una vez terminado el flujo de sangrado, el procedimiento de la Tahará (pureza) toma tres pasos: Hefsek Tahará, Sheba neki’im, Tevilá. ” See, e. If she forgot and didn’t do a bedika before sunset she should ask an Orthodox rabbi what to do. Women who pray Arbit should preferably perform the Hefsek Tahara before Arbit, and on Erev Shabbat the Hefsek Tahara should, preferably, take place before candle How well do you know your colors? When it comes to bedikot, which colors are never okay? Which are always okay? And which ones require asking an If that cloth was forgotten or omitted it does not make the seven clean days invalid, whereas omitting a hefsek tahara exam does make affect the counting of the seven clean days. This inspection, which is called "Hefsek Tahara," should ideally be performed within a half-hour before sundown. to the start of your . Best wishes Jul 9, 2021 · Let’s assume it’s regular and it’s 5 days. Mar 13, 2024 · The primary function of a bedikah is to check for uterine bleeding. C. In the event that it is left in until after sunset, it is still valid. Many authorities, including our halachic supervisor, Rav Yehuda Henkin, accept even some browns on a hefsek taharah. In some extenuating circumstances, it might be possible to rely on it after the […] The hefsek taharah must be performed before sunset ( sh'kiah) in order to begin counting the clean days the next day. Answer: There are different halachic traditions concerning what is or is not acceptable on a hefsek taharah or bedikah. Mark ONAH 52, as the . I found a spot that is a clear/white/yellow (maybe a very light brown) color. The content of this page is produced by mikvah. Count the onos from the night onah. Nov 15, 2023 · I did a hefsek tahara and it came out clear. Una vez cesado el sangrado se procederá a realizar el hefsek Tahara (interrupción para pureza). For example, if a woman knows she is still actively bleeding through sunset of her fifth day, she need not attempt a hefsek taharah on day five. Sep 11, 2022 · In Torah and Rabbinic law, a hefsek taharah (pause to initiate purity) is a verification method used in the Orthodox Jewish community by a woman who is in a niddah state to determine that menstruation has ceased. *Note: Stains on garments are judged according to the leniency that applies to stains on a garment versus a bedikah, not because color is different on a garment. These stages include: (1) waiting 4 or 5 days, (2) performing a Hefsek Tahara, (3) counting the Shiva Nekiyim and checking during Jan 24, 2023 · A light brown with no hint of a reddish tint (e. on ONAH 52. White underwear should be worn for the seven days following the hefsek tahara to monitor bloodstains, unless there is an extenuating circumstance. The hefsek tahara has three parts: Wash or cleanse lower regions of the body. Do I need to re–do a hefsek tonight? Thank you! Answer: The hefsek taharah has a different purpose than the bedikot of the seven clean days. Hefsek Tahara Traveling Kit. As long as you performed a bedikah on Wednesday, that counts as day one of your seven clean days. after . I heard it shouldn’t be more than slightly damp. vs. NEW HEFSEK TAHARAH of Period B (this is day one of the 7 White days) Count each date by twos. This morning my bedika had red on it roughly the size of a quarter. Oct 15, 2023 · I performed a hefsek tahara last night (Wednesday night) and had a clean moch at tzait hakochavim. Try this wonderful kit that includes everything you need to do your hefsek taharah away from home and on the go. Sara Rayzel Wagner - Hefsek Tahara & Shiva Nekiem, Part 2. g. Soaking in a bath prior to the hefsek may help achieve a better hefsek. Si la primera no fue buena, y la segunda si lo es, contará como un nuevo hefsek tahará. If for some reason one was delayed and only did it after shkia, she should consult a Rabbi if it is valid depending on her specific situation. Esta mitzva permite a la mujer serv Mar 25, 2016 · I recently saw on Wikipedia something I had never heard before: that for newlyweds, "a bride counts only four days before performing a hefsek tahara, instead of the usual five. Le hefsek taharah doit être effectué Oct 11, 2013 · Both the halacha that the seven days have to start after the woman stops bleeding, and the halacha of semen (requiring a minimum of 4 or 5 days before hefsek tahorah) have been adopted into hilchot niddah from the biblical requirements for a zavah. It is just the preliminary exam to determine if she is ready to begin counting the seven clean days. Si la descarga es evidentemente roja, el hefsek no es bueno y deberás de intentarlo más tarde. , the color of coffee with milk) is not a niddah color and is considered acceptable on a hefsek taharah. "There is a ritual method of testing whether menstruation has genuinely ceased, known as the hefsek tahara. El término “ shivá nekiim ” es literalmente traducido como “siete días limpios”. If both the hefsek tahara and the moch dachuk are successful, you can begin counting your seven preparatory days the morning following the hefsek tahara. She also referred to not putting oneself in a "question situation" and asked whether I was truly advocating a "very bedieved hefsek tahara, 7 nekiim etc but as long as husband and wife The hefsek tahara must be done before shkia (sunset—see myzmanim. I cannot tell if it is the size of a gris or not. I did the hefsek tahara this afternoon prior to sunset which came back totally clear. Even though you were out of town on Thursday, your five day minimum only began on Friday when you were rendered niddah. Sunset was at 7:50, Tzait was at 8:32. Tefillin which is two mitzvot any hefsek is a problem like between bracha and mitzvah, but for multiple shechitot is a repetition of one mitzvah so there shouldn’t be a hefsek but the fact that you don’t need to keep going makes it like it is two mitzvot. Yisroel it gets dark much quicker (40 min. I am wearing white underwear. , Rema E. By performing a bedikah during the shivah neki’im (seven clean days), a woman also establishes her awareness of her continued count of the days. If the cloth is again stained only in the area where she suspects Hefsek tahara es el primer proceso que la mujer judía debe seguir para llegar al momento de la purificación con la tebila. If she is going to daven maariv before sunset or if the majority of the community is going to daven maariv before sunset she should do the hefsek tahara before that time. That this is a yiras shomayim issue and one which the couple has to decide. This check is known as the hefsek tahara. Pour respecter cette exigence de la Halakha, il est indispensable d'avoir un calendrier dans lequel figurent les horaires de la Chkia. Then . This would mean that if the sun rises at 6am and sets at 6pm (such that each Halachic hour is sixty minutes long), the Hefsek Tahara should be performed at some point between 3:30pm and 6pm. new Haflagah number. Esperar hasta tener una The following is a short overview of the laws of Family Purity (Taharat Hamishpacha) and does not cover many crucial topics that an observant Jewish couple needs to know to keep these laws properly. Sep 4, 2022 · How well do you know your colors? When it comes to bedikot, which colors are never okay? Which are always okay? And which ones require asking an Shiva Nekiyim, Taharas Hamishpacha. If one knows how to tell the different colors apart, it shouldn’t be Mar 15, 2021 · The ideal time to do a hefsek tahara is from Mincha Ketana time, which is around two and a half hours before shikia Shulchan Aruch Y:D 196:1). Cette bedikah, qui est le premier stade du procédé pour devenir tehorah, est appelée h efsek tahara h (ou tout simplement « hefsek »). The objective of this bedika is to confirm that the period has ended and allow the woman to begin counting her 7 clean days on the following day. 336. once is not enough, since she cannot turn it 360 degrees at one time. If your moch was inserted before sunset and you rotated it so that it entered the folds of the vagina (as opposed to just inserting it without rotating), you may count your moch as a hefsek. The hefsek, however, is intended to establish that you have stopped bleeding. If the cloth is clean, she is assured that her period has completely ended and Dec 2, 2020 · If a ketem is tameh and she was previously tahor she is now tameh and requires a hefsek tahara after waiting 5 days, according to Ashkenazim, and 4 days, according to Sephardim. The Hefsek Tahara. However, if you forget, a morning bedikah can usually be considered a valid hefsek taharahbediavad (after In the Orthodox Jewish community, women may test whether menstruation has ceased; this ritual is known as the hefsek tahara. As long as it is still before sunset. 5 minutes after sundown. Yisroel, the amount of time would be shorter, because in E. If the cloth shows only discharges that are white, yellow, or clear, then menstruation is considered to have ceased. Una vez que hayas completado exitosamente el hefsek tahará, puedes comenzar a contar los shivá nekiim. $10. Afin de pouvoir établir que le flux sanguin s’est réellement arrêté, la femme doit faire une bedikah (vérification interne) consciencieuse. B. Le héfsèke tahara est une vérification essentielle à la purification de la femme. Rishi Raichik. Ascertain local shkiah times. Let us know what your knowledge is based on. If she does wash herself again, she has to wait a Halacha Review Counting the 7 Days. Luego, cuentas siete días limpios (shivá nekiím), durante los cuales usas sólo ropa interior de color blanca y te realizas bedikot diariamente para estar segura de que no estás sangrando. Answer: In the event that a bedikah cloth is lost, halacha gives credence to the woman's memory of the color, whether the result is lenient or stringent. If she didn’t make any bedikos she has to go through the process now. Aug 31, 2019 · She should be sure to clean herself very well prior to making a hefsek taharah and to bring any questionable colors on the hefsek taharah or bedikot for halachic evaluation, rather than assume they are unacceptable. **Note: Stains should be shown to a rav to determine status. If the bedika did not come out good she does not have to wash her self again, and she can do the next bedika even right after doing the first one. If she performs a bedikah and finds a stain in a specific part of the cloth, and suspects the blood is coming from a wound, she can perform a second bedikah to check if there is indeed a wound. Mrs. However, if it was not rotated, or if After the hefsek tahara, some women insert a cloth (or, in modern times, a tampon), consequently known as a moch dachuk, for between 18 minutes and an hour, to ensure that there is no uterine blood; this must be done carefully, as it could otherwise irritate the mucous membrane, causing bleeding unrelated to menstruation. I learned that that is a questionable color. Unfortunately, your hefsek taharah on day 8 was too late to allow you to begin your clean days on day 9. Because blood renders a woman niddah as soon as it exits the uterus and enters the vaginal canal, bedikot are performed internally. If Mar 18, 2024 · The halachot on this page are specifically for married individuals. Additionally, R’ Moshe generally did not permit doing a hefsek after shkiya even in New York. Jun 18, 2019 · Nishmat's Women’s Health and Halacha In memory of Chaya Mirel bat R' Avraham. ” You should still do a hefsek tahara later in the day since that is the proper time, but the initial bedika may serve as a backup if you end up forgetting the hefsek or Le Hefsek Taharah. Am I better off waiting a bit before trying again, or should I try another hefsek tahara right away? The Hefsek Tahara refers to the bedika that is typically performed on the 5th day of the period (day 4 for Sefardim). Leviticus 18:19 states: “A woman in the ritually impure state of niddah, you shall not approach for sexual relations. 52. Best wishes The Pitchei Teshuva 188:2 cites the Maharshal and Shlah who were strict about yellow. It must be performed before sunset, preferably in the late afternoon shortly before sunset, and is generally removed immediately so that the woman can check it. vr kc ku lx ya sn rg fz lu yp